5 Best 50th Birthday Party Ideas for Men

Reaching the age of 50 is a real blessing in itself and a reason to celebrate. The best way to celebrate the 50th birthday is by involving close friends and family. This is not a celebration for just another year gone by, but it is also a time to reflect on life and celebrate each moment, milestones and achievements for the past 50 years. This is a moment to get personal as you focus on the recent years and the progress you have made, not just in getting older but as a valuable person in this world who impacts many more lives.
Whoever is planning the NYC birthday party ideas should consider the above facts. Also, they should realize that at this age, men love being around those who matter most in their lives. These are family members and closest friends. A birthday party cannot be complete without them. To plan a great birthday, you must know the birthday boy’s likes, preferences, and his history well. This way, you will not only be able to please him but will also manage to throw in some elements of surprise all throughout the day that will liven up the event. Kick off your party planning with our list of the 5 best ideas for a 50th birthday:
Throw a Backyard 50th Birthday Party
Having all the family members and friends together for a backyard party to celebrate will not only be fun but will also help you personalize the whole event with a theme of your choice. You can decorate the place as you wish and hold as many activities as possible. Do not forget to include his best foods and drinks on the menu. It can also be a time to indulge in some song and dance, games and swimming. Whatever can bring life to the event and is appropriate for all those attending, you can bring the idea on board.
Go out for Lunch
One of the things that can make this one of the best 50th birthday ideas is by organizing a lunch out with friends to his favorite eatery in NYC or a place that holds happy memories. This can be a venue he used to frequent as a youth or where he had his first date. Including people who he has not seen or been in touch with for a while but are a significant part of his life is a plus. You can alert the restaurant of the event and ask them to help you make the celebration as meaningful as possible.
Attend a Favorite Sports Event
It can be a day out with the boys taking booze and golfing or bowling or a surprise VIP attendance to his favorite sports event in NYC. For this to be fun, you should involve his friends who will not only keep him company but will also add fun to the event. In all these activities make sure there is plenty of food and drinks.
An Afternoon Jet Ski Tour
Once you have had all the fun with close friends and relatives, an afternoon jet ski tour can be a great way to wind up the day. See the City is an excellent company that will offer you a personal jet ski ride that will enable you to tour and enjoy the attractions the city has to offer but on the waters. There is no better way to tour New York City than on a jet ski ride. It is safe but thrilling and memorable, marking it as the best of the 50th birthday party ideas for men. Sea the City offers a sunset tour that is a great way to end the day.
You will be able to stop at some of the attractions and have a tour guide give you a brief history of the place and answer some of your questions. Some of these sites include the Statute of Liberty, Freedom Tower, and Ellis Island among others. You can choose to try out the standard one hour tour or go for more extended trips that will give you more time to explore more sites. Book your jet ski tour here.
With these ideas, you’ll be prepared to plan what will definitely be the best 50th birthday party ever. Did we miss an idea that you love? Let us know in the comments. Learn more about wife’s 50th birthday party ideas. Having a 30th for someone sometime soon? Check out these 30th birthday party ideas from our friends at New York Harbor Tours.
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